While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accessibility of this site, some content or services found here might be inaccessible to some visitors. In those circumstances, the contact information for someone who can assist you has been provided.

Platform and software requirements

Spectrum Direct is a Web-based application system. To use Spectrum Direct, you must have an Internet connection and a Web browser. All features of the site are active if you use Netscape 4 or Internet Explorer 4 or newer browsers with JavaScript processing enabled.

For correct page display, your computer's display resolution should be set to 800 x 600 pixels or greater. When you use a lower resolution, the data may not fit correctly on the screen.

Adobe Acrobat (Version 3.0 or newer) is required to view and print the Portable Document Format (.PDF) files available on the site.

Browser Capabilities

Specifically, you must use a browser that supports the following features:

  • HTML tables are required to properly view most data presented on the site.
  • Table background colours are used to highlight table data and set the colour of the black page heading bar and olive section heading bar.
  • JavaScript is used to submit form actions for processing, and to open a secondary window when modifying an existing station or frequency record. JavaScript must be enabled to use Spectrum Direct. In addition, JavaScript is used to protect or validate form fields and display the Guided Tour. Please note that Spectrum Direct will not work with the versions of JavaScript included with Netscape 3 or Internet Explorer 3.

Your browser should also be able to support the following optional features:

  • Frames are used to display the Application Navigator and Guided Tour.
  • Cookies are used on certain search forms to save your previous settings.