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Creating an antenna model list

When you create a frequency record for a station, you may need to specify the antenna model used for :

  • transmitting,
  • receiving, and
  • signal diversity.

The system provides a means of predefining the technical specifications of the antenna models that you regularly use. Rather than repeatedly typing extensive technical information on each form, you can click a link to find and select the antenna model.

Before you create an application, you should ensure that the antenna models that you use are defined in the system. If the antenna models are not defined, you can then add them as needed.

To define antenna models:

  1. In the Licence Applications section of the Main Menu, navigate to the Application Utilities.
  2. Click Create Antenna Model to display the Antenna Model page.
  3. Type the Model or select a Manufacturer to search for. If you leave the search criteria blank, all antenna models are listed.
  4. Click Search. A list of matching antenna models is displayed.
  5. To view detailed information on the antenna model, click the linked Model number.
  6. To create a new antenna model, click the Create New Antenna Model link to display the Create Antenna Model page.
  7. Complete the fields on this form. Be sure to include your name and telephone number or e-mail address.
  8. Click Save to save the new antenna model.

When completing a frequency record, click the Select link to search for and select the antenna model. The information that you entered for the antenna is thus associated with the frequency record.