While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accessibility of this site, some content or services found here might be inaccessible to some visitors. In those circumstances, the contact information for someone who can assist you has been provided.

About Security

Specifically, the Spectrum Direct site uses three methods for security:

  • SSL
    The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is used to encrypt (that is, code) certain information transmitted to and from the site. We encrypt all application submissions, and all application information returned to your browser. We also encrypt all account information returned to your browser. Finally, we encrypt your transmission of your username and password. For more information about SSL, see What is SSL?
  • Basic Authentication
    Basic authentication is the use of a username and password to identify to the Web server that you are permitted to use the site. We associate your username and password with your ALS account to identify you to the database. As mentioned, your username and password are encrypted during transmission, so this added level of security is quite secure.
  • Application Logic
    Finally, we apply application logic to ensure that the person logged in is retrieving account information that is associated only with his or her Web profile. If someone were to enter a URL that would provide access to another's account information, the application compares the current login information to that of the person authorized to access the account information being requested. If the information does not match, the request for information is denied.