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About radiocommunication licensing

Radiocommunication licensing is the responsibility of the Minister of Industry, through Industry Canada. A number of criteria are examined to determine whether a given licence is awarded. Licences for planned radio stations are granted after the submission is evaluated and accepted by the Department. The radio spectrum is a limited natural resource. The Department requires that applicants for a radio licence cooperate with other licence holders to permit reasonable and orderly sharing of the spectrum.

The applicant is also responsible for obtaining appropriate approvals as necessary from, or complying with the regulations of:

  • regulatory agencies other than those specified in the Radiocommunication Act, and
  • Transport Canada for antenna support structure clearance with respect to air navigation hazards as defined in the applicable Canadian Aviation Regulations(CARS) (Part VI - General Operating and Flight Rules - Standard 621 - Obstruction Marking and Lighting).
  • Health Canada, to ensure compliance with Safety Code 6.

The following responsibilities of the Minister of Industry are reflected in the procedures used on this site:

  • to optimize the utilization of the radio frequency spectrum,
  • to provide for the planning of the efficient and orderly growth of the Canadian telecommunications network as an entire system,
  • to ensure that the public interest is served through the consideration of all relevant factors in the granting of licences for new radio transmission facilities,
  • to anticipate, analyze, and resolve interference problems in the early states of system development,
  • to consider future system expansion plans and provide for frequency protection to the extent possible, and
  • to ensure that Canadian radiocommunication systems conform to the provisions of the Radiocommunication Act and the Radio Regulations established by the International Telecommunication Union.