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Pay Selected Invoice

Once you have identified an account and an unpaid invoice for that account, the Pay Selected Invoice page shows your company name, invoice information, and if there is an outstanding balance, and allows you to specify your VISA or MasterCard credit card information.

Debit adjustments are not displayed. A debit adjustment is owed if you have previously underpaid an invoice or had a payment by cheque or credit card denied for insufficient funds or credit. This amount is an additional amount owed to Industry Canada, irrespective of the invoice being paid. Under the Invoice Payment System, this amount must be paid in full when your invoice is paid. Accounts having a debit adjustment cannot be paid using this system. They must contact the Industry Canada office indicated on their invoice, or call 1-800-584-7145 (or 613-946-5570 in the National Capital Region.)

Credit adjustments are not displayed. If you have a credit amount greater than your invoice amount when your invoice is generated, that credit is automatically applied to the invoice. In addition, on a monthly basis, the system automatically applies any credit amount greater than your invoice amount to the unpaid invoice, as applicable. Note that you may have a credit amount smaller than the amount of your unpaid invoice, or greater than the amount of your unpaid invoice if the payment resulting in the credit was received this month and not yet processed by the system.

The payment system will only allow you to pay the at most the exact calculated amount of the invoice, including any credit adjustment, as long as it is at most 4,999.00$. Further payments can be done the day after.


  • Billing Information
    Shows your account and invoice information. Enter your credit card information to pay the invoice.