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The ELAZDI hyperlink downloads a program developed by Industry Canada called "ELAZDI" (ELevation, Azimuth, and DIstance). Click this link to download a zipped file to a specified directory on your PC. This self-extracting archive (ELAZDI.EXE) should be unzipped to the suggested default directory. In that directory, double-click the the ELAZDI program file (ELAZDI.EXE: blue "globe" icon) to start the ELAZDI program.

ELAZDI is used to calculate the following parameters between two stations that are required for entry in the frequency pages of the microwave application:

  • azimuth
  • antenna elevation angle
  • (path) distance

For each location, ELAZDI also calculates:

  • the shortest distance to the US border
  • the azimuth for the shortest distance to the US border
  • if the antenna beam risks intersecting the satellite geostationary orbit

You should read the ELAZDI On-line Help to obtain information on how to use the program, and information on the calculations performed by the program.

It is strongly suggested that before entering the microwave application, you use ELAZDI for all the stations in your proposed submission to obtain the required data that will be needed when you enter the microwave application. A print-out of each calculation will prove useful later on.

See Also